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Cord Blood Banking – Give Your Child a New Life

As parents, you want to ensure the health and wellbeing of your children. However, the future is uncertain and some ailments can become a hindrance in your child’s life. If you have a family history of rare diseases, the genetic risks for your child are higher. In such a case it is essential to preserve the cord blood of your child with reliable cord blood banks.

The lifesaving stem cells in the cord blood can ensure your child’s future health and also provide your baby with a new life in case of medical emergencies. Let us discuss cord blood in detail and how it can be a gift of life for your child.

Cord blood and the cord blood banks

After a child is delivered, some part of the blood remains in the placenta and the umbilical cord. When the pregnant mother goes into labor, a transfer of cells takes place between the mother and the fetus to boost up immunity. Therefore, the cord blood becomes rich in stem cells and ensures a safe delivery for the mother send the baby.

This cord blood is collected from the umbilical cord with the help of a needle after it Is clipped and cut. The extracted blood is processed and the stem cells are frozen cryogenically and stored. This entire process of collection and extraction is known as cord blood banking and the place of its storage is referred to as cord blood bank.

How cord blood banking can give your child a new life.

Cord blood banking has numerous benefits and can ensure your child’s future health and wellbeing they are also termed as a biological insurance for the child. Stem cells can provide a boost to the immune system and help in faster healing and recovery. Hence, it can give your child a new life in case of any severe medical complication.

A few reasons that make stem cells a lifesaving medication and a must-do for new parents are mentioned below.

1) The stem cells from the cord blood are useful in the treatments of cancer, metabolic disorders, diseases of the immune system, and ailments of blood. At present, stem cells can treat 80 rare diseases.

2) The stem cells of your child are always a match and can be used by them for future medical needs. There is a negligible chance of stem cells from the cord blood getting rejected.

3) The cells can also be used by a sick sibling or other family members if they need a stem cell transfusion. The siblings have a 25% chance of being a complete match and a 50% chance of being a partial match. Also, the parents have a 100% chance of being a partial match for cord blood transplantation.

4) Cord blood collection is harmless and does not pose any risk to the newborn or the mother. The process is hassle-free and does not adversely impact pregnancy or childbirth.

5) With numerous researchers and scientists studying the usage of these cells, there is a colossal future potential for medical advancements. Cord blood is believed to aid in the treatment of various incurable diseases in the coming years.

6) During a transplant, receiving stem cells from the cord blood is less complicated than receiving it from the bone marrow. Partial matches can also receive stem cells for cord blood.

To receive the benefits of stem cell banking you need to preserve them with a private bank. An affordable cord blood bank of $19.99/month provides you an opportunity to safeguard your child’s wellbeing without disrupting your budget.

However, you can also donate the stem cells to public cord blood banks. It can help you save the lives of other potential matches or help in medical research.

A Few Things To Consider Before Getting Cancer Insurance Quotes

Cancer is one of the top health concerns in the United States, and it can be extremely expensive to treat. In many cases, savings and existing health insurance might not be sufficient to cover the high treatment expenses. That is why it is essential to have the best cancer insurance plan available if you are at risk of contracting the disease. Many insurance companies offer insurance plans that can provide the policyholders with a specific financial payout when they are diagnosed with cancer.

Things to consider before getting cancer insurance quotes

With the availability of so many insurance plans, it can be overwhelming to shortlist one. You may be able to find the best cancer insurance plan for your situation by considering the following factors:

The reputation and track record of the insurance company

The first thing to do is to check the reputation and track record of the insurance company. Find out if they have efficient, customer-friendly services, and offer wide coverage with convenient features. It is important too to consider if they have a high claim settlement ratio on their cancer insurance policies.

The coverage offered by the plan

When considering insurance plans for cancer, review the coverage they offer. Since cancer treatment can be expensive, you should look for policies with comprehensive coverage for early-stage and advanced cancer. The best cancer insurance will provide payouts for basic features such as doctor’s consultation and surgery fees, nursing fees, hospital room expenses, and meal expenses. Additionally, it will cover the cost of chemotherapy, radiation, drugs, surgery, and other cancer treatments. Please note that the insurance plan will not include benefits payable after maturity or death.

The types of cancers the plan covers

It is important to check which types of cancers the insurance plan covers. Create a list of the cancers you might be vulnerable to based on your heredity, lifestyle, and test results, and only buy a cancer insurance policy that covers these. Some plans offer insurance coverage according to the early or advanced stage of cancer. So, the policyholders will receive a payout for treatment as per the stage of their cancer.

The sufficiency and eligibility of the coverage

It is necessary to make sure that the insurance coverage in the plan is sufficient for the required treatment. The best cancer insurance plan will cover most types of cancers and will provide enough payout to treat them. However, be aware that the plan may not cover congenital conditions, health issues arising from biological or chemical contamination, skin cancer, and certain cancers that develop due to AIDS, HIV, and other sexually transmitted diseases. Additionally, it will not offer coverage if there are any pre-existing conditions.

The cancer severity stages in the plan

Many cancer insurance plans offer payouts based on the stages of cancer severity. The policyholders will receive coverage separately for cancer diagnosis, treatment, and surgery. The payout amount will depend on the specific policy, what stage of cancer they have, and whether they have previously received payouts on their cancer insurance policies. If the policyholder has a late-stage cancer diagnosis, the plan will offer a 100% financial payout. In the case of early-stage cancer, the company will give a small percentage.

The waiting period to make a claim

After buying a cancer insurance policy, the policyholder cannot claim for a specified period as per the rules. This period is known as a waiting period. Before shortlisting any insurance plan, it is advisable to find out about its waiting period. Many cancer insurance plans have waiting periods of at least three to six months. The best cancer insurance plan will have the lowest amount of waiting period.

The premium waivers in the plan

Paying insurance premiums can be difficult for many cancer patients and their families. Many insurance companies understand this and offer plans that waive off the premiums after a cancer diagnosis. An insurance plan with premium waivers is best as it will offer the most benefits.

Along with cancer insurance, you may want to consider banking umbilical cord blood if and when you give birth. That can safeguard the entire family’s future by providing access to advanced cancer treatments. Cord banks charge an affordable $19.99/month.

What Happens After We Sign Up for Cord Blood Banking? What is the Process?

Cord blood banking has gained general acceptance, and many people are coming forward to store the umbilical cord blood of their newborn baby. However, one will have to store the cord blood safely by avoiding all the possible damages. For this, the main thing that you must do is to find out a reliable and resourceful cord blood bank. Some of the principal factors that one will have to consider while choosing cord blood banks are the services they offer, quality of the same, the hitherto success rate of the bank, customer reviews, and finally, the pricing. That said, there are affordable cord blood banks that charge low rates. You can find banks that charge only $19.99 per month.

What Happens After we Sign up For Cord Blood Banking? What Is The Process?

Sign Up: Firstly, you will have to sign an official agreement with the cord blood bank that you choose. You must select a bank that offers premier services and charges affordably. After this, the umbilical cord blood banking process begins. This process consists of four consecutive steps. These steps are collection, transportation, processing, and preserving. These processes may seem a bit complex, but when you sign a contract with a reputed and reliable company from the available pool of cord blood banks, they will manage all these tasks methodically and diligently. They will have the expertise and needed tools for making the process swift and safe. The cord blood bank that you select from the bunch of the cord blood banks must have all the needed tools, related medical and technical awareness. They will explain to you the precise steps as regards the process. Once you enroll with the company you choose by paying the initial amount, you will get the related collection kit. Here, there will be the complete instructions that you and the medical professional who attend the delivery will have to do. Before the delivery, as soon as the process of enrolment is over, the blood bank company will take the blood samples of the mother for testing. This testing is to confirm that the mother has no infectious diseases.

Cord Blood Collection: There will be precise instructions as regards the collection of cord blood, which will be provided in the kit, detailing the specific way by which the medical professional should collect the cord blood. Very soon after the delivery is over, the medical professionals who attend the delivery will collect the cord blood in the provided bag. This task must be in sync with the given instructions. Remember, the mother or child will not have to suffer any pain. One can collect cord blood from both vaginal and cesarean deliveries. The collection bag is a secure bag with proper and precise sterilization. The blood will remain safe in this bag. Once the collection bag reaches the lab, technicians will take care of it as it should be.

Shipping: As soon as the delivery is over, one must give the information to the blood bank authorities. They will come and collect the same and transport it to the company lab. This information must reach the bank at the earliest. So, there must not be any delay as regards the delivery information. Some of the cord blood banks that have nearby branches will send their employees for the collection. However, in general, the blood bank authorities will have tie-up with the leading courier agencies. Hence, it will be the courier people who will come for the collection. They will have their specific ways of transporting the same to the lab.

Testing and Storage: When the cord blood reaches the lab, the technicians will receive it and do the needful. In general, they will do the testing and processing within one day itself. Then this processed cord blood goes into the storage cabin, which is cryogenically maintained.

One of the best practical methods to find out affordable and competent cord blood banks is to compare the quality of the provided services, success rate, proximity, and pricing. Thus you will be able to arrive at a practical option. Remember, when you opt for a private cord blood bank, you will have to pay an initial amount and yearly fee for the storage.

Importance of Complete Health Check-Ups in Human Life

Taking care of our health is and has always been an important thing to keep in mind as we cannot be hundred percent sure of how we can stay away from any disease or illness. How hard we try to stay healthy and fit, an illness, be it a mild fever or a life-threatening disease, can knock on our doorstep any moment.

The fast-paced technological development that is happening nowadays, it has helped us in ways that we can track our health status and take necessary precautions and measures to prevent a disease from taking over.

Routine health check-ups have helped many people to foresee any illness which may affect us in later stages and take necessary precautionary measures. A complete health check-up gives us the result of mostly all important details of what is going on in our body, regarding our health, and what changes might be taking place within our body that are nearly impossible to notice sometimes like change in RBC count, sugar level, kidney health, glucose level, STD screening and much more.

Getting a complete health check-up routinely is highly recommended by doctors all around the world because it minimizes the need of undergoing surgeries or medical treatments at later stages when the disease is at its peak.

The frequency of a complete health check-up can be yearly or half-yearly but the need for it increases as we grow older. Treatment of illnesses such as cancer is more likely to be possible if diagnosed at an early stage as cancer can become a life-long illness.

Different health check-up tests necessarily need to be done at a certain age in our lives. Someone in their twenties or thirties should be more considerate about their health regarding BMI, cholesterol, glucose level, blood pressure, dental health, breast examination, STD screening, and more.

Similarly, people of the age group in their forties, along with the above-mentioned check-ups, should also focus on their health involving cardiovascular risks, diabetes, eye check-up, prostate and breast cancer-related diagnosis for men and women respectively.

After a person reached the age of fifty, he is more likely to get affected by an illness that may or may not be life-threatening but is surely something to worry about as, after that age, the immune system and metabolism of our body start to decline. People in their fifties and above should be more considerate about health issues related to osteoporosis, digestion problems, hearing and vision impairment, and more organs related issues.

Keeping these age group-related health issues aside, these are not necessarily likely to affect a person at specific age but nowadays, in the modern world, any of the above-mentioned illnesses can affect us at any time in our life like young people, nowadays, are being diagnosed with diabetes and high cholesterol level, thyroid issues and much more.

Getting a complete body health-up not only helps us with the diagnosis of an illness at an early stage but also motivates us to stay fit and to lead a healthy life which will be beneficial for us in later stages of our lives when we get older. Getting to diagnose a disease at an early stage is also not only easier to treat but is also less likely to affect us financially as treatments at later stages can become quite expensive.

How to Get Rid of General Health Problems Naturally

Natural health remedies are having a big story right now in the healthcare world. Whether it’s oil pulling to treat a variety of ailments or applying apple cider vinegar to your skin to treat acne, your local supermarket can be a great place to find health solutions. Experiencing illness of any kind regularly is a clear sign that you have a weak immune system, which should not be taken for granted.

Because medicines have side effects, taking them regularly can harm your health and shorten your life. Some home remedies, when used vigorously, can undoubtedly help you to improve your immune system and protect against a variety of common diseases. Here are some tips to solve general health problems naturally.

1. Reduce Sugary Drinks

The most common sources of added sugar are sugary drinks like sodas, sweetened teas, and fruit juices. According to many studies, sugar-sweetened beverages increase the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes even in people who do not have excess body fat. Sugar-sweetened beverages are also particularly dangerous for children, as they can contribute not only to childhood obesity but also to conditions that typically do not develop until adulthood, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

2. Maintain a Healthy Weight

It is difficult to lose weight and keep it off. If you’re overweight, then losing just a few pounds can affect your health. If your weight is normal, try to stay that way by reducing your caloric intake and exercising regularly. Plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help you in maintaining a well-balanced diet. A healthy diet restricts sugary foods and saturated fats. Drinking water instead of sugary beverages is an easy way to cut calories from your diet.

3. Take Enough Rest and Sleep

It is impossible to underestimate the value of getting enough quality sleep. Sleep deprivation can increase insulin resistance, disturb appetite hormones, and adversely affect physical and mental performance. Furthermore, lack of sleep is one of the most powerful individual risk factors for obesity and overweight. People who do not get enough sleep usually eat foods that are higher in fat, sugar, and calories, which can lead to undesirable weight issues.

4. Keep Yourself Hydrated

Hydration is an essential but often neglected, health indicator. If your body remains hydrated, your body functions properly and your blood volume is adequate. Water is a great way to stay hydrated because it contains no calories, sugar, or preservatives. Because water makes up 70% of our bodies, drinking enough water is essential. Coconut water is also an opportunity to strengthen your immunity because it includes a variety of important nutrients.

5. Take Vitamin D

The majority of people have lack vitamin D. While these widely spread vitamin D deficiencies are not dangerous, keeping adequate vitamin D rates can assist to improve your health by increasing bone health, lowering depression symptoms, boosting your immune function, and reducing your cancer risk. Your vitamin D levels may be poor if you do not spend much time in the sun.

If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, don’t just concentrate on what you eat. Exercise, sleep, and social interactions are also essential. Natural things can treat many general health issues without any side effects.

A Guide to Essential Vitamins for Women Health

Vitamins play a vital role in a person’s health journey. Getting all the nutrients is not possible from the food we eat so it becomes essential to take vitamins supplements after a certain age especially for women. Multivitamin supplements have become essential as they keep a person’s body healthy and fit as well.

Different vitamins have different benefits that can be acquired with the help of multivitamin supplements. The benefits of these different vitamins are as follows.

1. Vitamin D

Women start to lose bone density and mass in older age for which Vitamin D supplementation becomes essential as it helps in bone growth and also helps absorb calcium in the body. Lack of this vitamin could lead to the weakening of bones and might cause osteoporosis, which puts a risk of fractures. Apart from supplements, sunlight is also an excellent source of Vitamin D.

2. Vitamin B

This vitamin helps provide energy to the body and is most essential for women who are more engaged in day-to-day activities, household chores, or who tend to work out. Vitamin B is very essential for pregnant women as it helps, not only with providing required energy but also helps the development of the fetal brain. Vitamin B helps boost metabolism and keep the brain and the spinal cord healthy. Excess of Vitamin B is also bad for the body as it becomes toxic. Vitamin B6, B12, and Folic Acid are types of Vitamin B which are all important for the health of a women health, especially brain health, and to improve metabolism. Vitamin B12 helps in building Red Blood Cells in the body. Food rich in Vitamin B are eggs, leafy vegetables, meat, cheese, potatoes, bananas, and many more.

3. Magnesium

Magnesium is a must to be included in a diet. It helps boost the immune system, improves the sleep cycle, and also keeps the blood pressure in check.

4. Calcium

It helps keep bones and teeth strong. Calcium intake, for women, is important as women are more prone to osteoporosis than men. Calcium consumption becomes important for women after reaching menopause and is highly recommended by doctors.

5. Iron

Iron is important for a woman because of the loss of iron that takes place at the time of the menstrual period. Lack of iron in the body could lead to anemia and a disturbed immune system. Iron also helps supply oxygen in the body. Spinach is a great source of Iron.

6. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is useful in healing wounds and also creates red blood cells in the body. It helps boost concentration as lack of vitamin C causes stress, especially in older ages. Food rich in vitamin C are oranges, kiwi, strawberries, broccoli, and tomato.

7. Vitamin E

Vitamin E helps keep cells healthy and slows down the signs of aging. Excess of vitamin E is also not recommended. Food rich in vitamin E are hazelnuts, peanut butter, corn oil, and sunflower seed.

Taking all the vitamins in form of food is also important but it is recommended that after a certain age, women should start taking supplements for better absorption of these in the body and also because food cannot provide all these necessary vitamins in the required amount that the body needs.